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Researcher's Toolkit: Share/Impact

Demonstrate Your Research Impact

The number of citations, downloads, views, or media mentions a piece of research receives is a good indicator of the impact that research is having on the world.  Understanding how to articulate your impact is an important skill when applying for promotion, tenure, or grant funding. 

A librarian can provide guidance and support for the assessment of individual or group research impact, such as:

  • Selecting appropriate indicators/benchmarks for your needs
  • Using library resources to generate key indicators
  • Enhancing your research impact through strategic scholarly communication
  • Maintaining researcher profiles to efficiently track your impact

Promote Your Research

McMaster Experts is McMaster University’s researcher and expertise discovery gateway that aims to facilitate collaboration among academic researchers and spark increased engagement with other communities in academia, industry, and the media, locally, nationally, and internationally.

Preserve & Share Your Research Data

The library encourages authors to upload their published or pre-published manuscripts to an open access repository, such as MacSphere.

The library can help authors research a journal's open access policy in SHERPA/RoMEO

Open Access Repositories

Data Repositories

Following the research publication is the preservation & sharing phase which addresses the long-term storage, maintenance, and accessibility of your data. Check out Publishing Data from Research Data Management Services for more information.