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Making an Impact: Tracking Your Research Metrics

Learn strategies for assessing the impact of your research with this step-by-step guide to research metrics

What are Research Metrics?

Numerical indicators of the impact of your research output. Research metrics are calculated based on the number of times your publications have been cited by other researchers or mentioned or interacted with in various media.

Research metrics can help you:

  • Assert your value as a researcher
  • Benchmark your career progress
  • Communicate your research findings more effectively and efficiently

How Do I Get Started?

This toolkit provides a step-by-step guide to understanding and utilizing research metrics effectively. Each page explores a different step in the process and lays the groundwork for the following steps. 

1) Researcher Profiles

  • Distinguish your work online to generate more accurate research metrics

2) Types of Research Metrics

  • Understand a variety of metrics and select the ones that are right for you

3) Tracking Research Metrics

  • Discover electronic tools for calculating research metrics

4) Using Research Metrics

  • Promote your work, set goals, and make decisions using research metrics

5) Library Workshops

  • Extend your knowledge with these hands-on sessions run by librarians at McMaster's Health Sciences Library


Questions? Contact Jack Young (, 905-525-9140 ext. 22728