This Libguide provides a starting point on identifying qualitative evidence using health-related databases.
You should consider incorporating the following to aid in identifying the qualitative evidence:
The nature of your research question may require you to search outside of the health databases (e.g. Sociological Abstracts, Social Sciences Index)
Ovid Medline | |||
Qualitative Research Designs (i.e. study design language) |
Qualitative Research Methods or Instruments |
Qualitative Research Frameworks, Models, or Theories |
MeSH (i.e. controlled vocabulary) |
Qualitative Research/ Empirical Research/ Ethnography/ Single-Case Studies as Topic/ Grounded Theory/ Personal Narrative/ |
Interview as Topic/ Interviews/ Focus Groups/ Nursing Evaluation Research/ Surveys and Questionnaires/ Self-Report/
Social Theory/ Models, Nursing/ Models, Theoretical/ |
Keywords |
Qualitative Empirical Research Ethnograph* Case Study Case Studies Grounded Theory Narrative* Phenomenolog*
Interview* Focus Group* Participant Observation* Non-Participant Observation* Survey* Questionnaire* |
Social theor* Sociological theor* Search for a specific theory or creator: Self-Efficacy Theory Attachment Theory The Health Belief Model Bowen? adj2 theor* |
Ovid Embase | |||
Qualitative Research Design (i.e. study design language) |
Qualitative Research Methods or Instruments |
Qualitative Research Frameworks, Models, or Theories
Emtree (i.e. controlled vocabulary) |
Qualitative Research/ Empirical Research/ Ethnography/ Ethnographic Research/ Ethnonursing Research/ Case Study/ |
Interview/ Information Processing/ Questionnaire/ Open Ended Questionnaire/ Structured Questionnaire/ Participant Observation/ Non Participant Observation/
exp Sociological Theory/ Sociological Theory can be exploded to include narrower subject headings (e.g. Family Systems Theory) Family Systems Theory/ exp Nursing Theory/ Nursing Theory can be exploded to include narrower subject headings (e.g. Orem Self Care Model, Nightingale's Nursing Theory) Health Belief Model/ Orem Self Care Model/ Nightingale's Nursing Theory/
Keywords |
Qualitative Empirical Research Ethnograph* Case Study Case Studies Grounded Theory Narrative* Phenomenolog* |
Interview* Focus Group* Participant Observation* Non-Participant Observation* Survey* Questionnaire* |
Social theor* Sociological theor* Search for a specific theory or creator: Self-Efficacy Theory Attachment Theory The Health Belief Model Bowen? adj2 theor* |
exp indicates the subject heading has been exploded to include the narrower subject headings
CINAHL | |||
Qualitative Research Design (i.e. study design language)
Qualitative Research Methods or Instruments
Qualitative Research Frameworks, Models, or Theories
CINAHL Subject Headings |
MH "Qualitative Studies" MH "Action Research" MH "Ethnographic Research" MH "Ethnological Research" MH "Ethnonursing Research" MH "Grounded Theory" MH "Naturalistic Inquiry" MH "Phenomenological Research" |
MH "Interviews+" Interviews can be exploded to include semi-structured interviews, structured interviews, unstructured interviews MH "Interview Guides+" Interview Guides can be exploded to include narrower subject headings (e.g. structured interview guides, unstructured interview guides) MH "Focus Groups" MH "Narratives" MH "Observational Methods+" Observational Methods can be exploded to include narrower subject headings (e.g. participant observation, non-participant observation) MH "Field Notes" MH "Theory Construction" MH "Theory Validation"
MH "Conceptual Framework" MH "Theory" MH "Ethics Theory" MH "Models, Theoretical" MH "Nursing Theory" MH "Nursing Models, Theoretical" MH "Psychological Theory" MH "Sociological Theory"
Several of the above subject headings can be exploded. Click on the subject heading within CINAHL to see more specific terms of named theories, frameworks, and models, or areas of theory (e.g. education theory). |
Keywords |
Qualitative Empirical Research Ethnograph* Case Study Case Studies Grounded Theory Narrative* Phenomenolog* |
Interview* Focus Group* Participant Observation* Non-Participant Observation* Survey* Questionnaire* |
Social theor* Sociological theor* Search for a specific theory or creator: Self-Efficacy Theory Attachment Theory The Health Belief Model Bowen? N2 Theory |
+ indicates the subject heading has been exploded to include the narrower subject headings
Web of Science and Scopus | |||
Qualitative Research Designs (i.e. study design language) |
Qualitative Research Methods or Instruments |
Qualitative Research Frameworks, Models, or Theories |
Keywords |
Qualitative Empirical Research Ethnograph* Case Study Case Studies Anthropology Grounded Theory Narrative* Phenomenolog* |
Interview* Focus Group* Participant Observation* Non-Participant Observation* Survey* Questionnaire* |
Social theor* Sociological theor* Search for a specific theory or creator: Self-Efficacy Theory Attachment Theory The Health Belief Model Bowen$ NEAR/2 Theory (Web of Science) Bowen? W/2 Theory (Scopus) |
Language used to describe qualitative study designs and qualitative methods or instruments may be used interchangeably. As a result, you might want to consider searching on both.
When using controlled vocabulary (i.e. Subject Headings, e.g. MeSH, EMTREE) look at the scope note. The scope note will provide searching insight:
Click here to learn more about wildcards and truncations.