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Rehabilitation Science

Explore library resources for the online Rehabilitation Science program at McMaster.

Connecting to library resources from home

To access the library's rich collection of online resources including databases, journal articles and books, use your MS Office 365 account (e.g.,

  • Most of the required readings will be included in the courseware or core textbooks.

Need Assistance?

There are a number of good online tutorials available for searching OVID, CINAHL, PubMed, RefWorks, etc. and for the Library Catalogue.

Contact the Health Sciences Library Information Desk Monday - Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00pm at 905-525-9140 x22327 or by email (

Contact Us

Health Sciences Library as seen from outside

Health Sciences Library,
McMaster University

1280 Main St. West HSC-2B
Hamilton, ON
L8S 4K1 

Phone: 905-525-9140 ext. 22327

Quick links to subject specific resources

For quick links to helpful databases, reference sources, websites, and more, check on the following subject guide:

Occupational Therapy


Evidence Based Practice Resources (McMaster)

Health Sciences Library to learn more about our resources and services.

Health Databases

What to do when McMaster does not have electronic access to a journal article