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Covidence is a web-based software platform that streamlines the production of systematic reviews. It supports citation screening, full text review, risk of bias assessment, and more. McMaster now provides unlimited access to university affiliates.

Screening in Covidence

Covidence has created a number of videos and tip sheets to demonstrate how to perform title/abstract screening, full text review, resolving conflicts and much more. 

A number of videos and tip sheets created by covidence demonstrating how to perform title and abstract screening, fulltext reviews, resolve conflicts and more.




Visit Covidence Videos and user guides for screening

When you are ready to do your full text screening you will need to add the full text to your records.

How references move through a review - gives an overview of where a particular reference is depending on the votes it has received

Quality Assessment

Covidence only supports a Risk of Bias assessment at the moment.  You have the option to start with the standard Cochrane Risk of Bias domains or to define a custom set of domains for your needs.  

The Cochrane Risk of Bias domains include:

  • sequence generation
  • allocation concealment
  • blinding of participants and personnel
  • blinding of outcome assessment
  • incomplete outcome data
  • selective outcome reporting and ‘other issues’

View Cochrane videos on Risk of Bias tool: RoB 2.0 tool Part 1, RoB 2.0 tool Part 2, RoB 2.0 tool Part 3, RoB 2.0 tool Part 4

Quality Assessment videos by Cochrane of Risk and Bias tool: RoB 2.0 tool, parts 1 through 4, inclusive.



The domains that you define for the first study assessed in a review will be used as the template for all the other studies in this review.  So, each subsequent assessment will have the same list of domains as the first assessment.  You can still customize each study independently.


View Covidence videos and guide sheets for more information on Quality Assessment

Data Extraction

Once you have completed the screening process, you are ready to move on to Data Extraction

The options are to:

  • Continue using Covidence, or
  • Export your included / excluded resources to undertake Data Extraction in another program, such as Excel.

A list of videos and user guides demonstrating how to extract data.




View the Covidence Videos and user guides for Data Extraction 2 or Data Extraction 1 for more information including how to set up extraction tables, adding custom study design or custom text fields, and exporting the extracted data

Exporting Studies

Covidence facilitates the exporting of study lists to citation management software, Excel, or RevMan. In addition, Covidence automatically populates your PRISMA flow diagram. You can export this data as a table, or take a screenshot!

A list of videos and user guides on how to export study lists to citation management software, Excel, or RevMan.




View the Covidence Export videos and user guides for more details