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Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) [link]

Topics: Nursing, Biomedicine, Health Sciences Librarianship, Alternative/Complementary Medicine, Consumer Health, and Allied Health Disciplines

Scope: Over 4,900 journals and 3.8 million records

Date Range: 1937 - present

Platform: EBSCOhost

Help: CINAHL Support Center 

CINAHL - Module 1 - Starting Your Search

Identifying Key Concepts, Turning Concepts into Subject Headings, Browsing the Subject Index, Explode/Major Concept, Adding Terms to the Search History

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

CINAHL - Module 2 - Refining Your Search

Supplementing Subject Headings with Keywords, Combining Terms with AND & OR, Applying Search Limits, Viewing Detailed Records, Accessing Full-Text Articles

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Glossary (A-Z)

Abstract: A summary, outlining the key points of a given study or article.

CINAHL: Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature

Detailed Record:  Here, you will find all the information collected on a particular article, including abstract, author, publication, etc. You can save, cite, print, and export the record, or use the "Get It" Button to check for full-text availability

Explode: This checkbox appears when choosing Subject Terms. When selected, the database will return articles indexed with the selected Subject Term as well as any indexed with its narrower terms found in the Subject Index

"Get It" Button: This button checks the full-text availability of a given article within McMaster Libraries. Follow the links to access the full-text document.

Major Concept: This checkbox appears when choosing Subject Terms. When selected, the database will only return articles in which the selected Subject Term has been identified as the primary topic.

My Folder: This tool allows you to collect multiple records and save, cite, or export them simultaneously.

Search History: This tool tracks your recent searches and tells you how many results were returned for each term.

Subject Index: Complete listing of all of CINAHL's Subject Terms. Terms are arranged hierarchically.

Subject Term: Authoritative language used to describe the content of a given article [sometimes called a Subject Heading]

Suggest Subject Terms: This checkbox appears on the main search page. When selected, it will suggest appropriate Subject Terms for the concepts entered into the search box.